The dates of the 2019 year events at the Open-Air Museum of Lithuania
- 26th January Staging. French withdrawal from Moscow
- 2nd March SHROVETIDE FESTIVAL (Mardi Gras)
- 23rd March Stork Day
- 22nd April Easter
- 18th May Museum Night
- 15th June The Day of Mourning and Hope
- 24th June Rasos (Feast of St John)
- 5th July „Nemuno virsmas mariomis“ – 60 Years of the Kaunas marios. Event for 2019 Lithuanian Museums Road “Lithuanian Landscapes: The Cultural Memory of Waters”
- 12 th of July Readings of J. Aisitis poetry under the oak, Aristavėlė manor garden, commemorating the 115th anniversary of the birth of the poet J. Aistis
- 16th – 25th July Lithuanians of the World. Scenes and Aesthetics School Camp for Diaspora Youth
- 20th July July Ann‘s Name Day and Rye Harvesting
- 15th August The Assumption day. Celebration Innovation – dahlia Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas
- 7th September “Biking around Lithuania”
- 15th September „Man ir šiandien tie vandenys spindi…“ (Jonas Aistis). Event for the Year of Place Names
- 19th October “Running round Lithuania” (running race)
- 10th September Day of the White Goat
- 28th December Christmas Tree Stump Burning
More information:
Phone: +370 346 47392