Events at the Lithuanian Folk Life Museum 2019

The dates of the 2019 year events at the Open-Air Museum of Lithuania

  1. 26th January Staging. French withdrawal from Moscow
  2. 2nd March SHROVETIDE FESTIVAL (Mardi Gras)
  3. 23rd March Stork Day
  4. 22nd April Easter
  5. 18th May Museum Night
  6. 15th June The Day of Mourning and Hope
  7. 24th June Rasos (Feast of St John)
  8. 5th July „Nemuno virsmas mariomis“ – 60 Years of the Kaunas marios. Event for 2019 Lithuanian Museums Road “Lithuanian Landscapes: The Cultural Memory of Waters”
  9. 12 th of July Readings of J. Aisitis poetry under the oak, Aristavėlė manor garden, commemorating the 115th anniversary of the birth of the poet J. Aistis
  10. 16th – 25th July Lithuanians of the World. Scenes and Aesthetics School Camp for Diaspora Youth
  11. 20th July July Ann‘s Name Day and Rye Harvesting
  12. 15th August The Assumption day. Celebration Innovation – dahlia Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas
  13. 7th September “Biking around Lithuania”
  14. 15th September „Man ir šiandien tie vandenys spindi…“ (Jonas Aistis). Event for the Year of Place Names
  15. 19th October “Running round Lithuania” (running race)
  16. 10th September Day of the White Goat
  17. 28th December Christmas Tree Stump Burning

More information:
Phone: +370 346 47392

Attention !!!

Opening of the fountain June 4 The whole program is clicked on the picture. Thanks to all who contributed !!!